When considering how to get my blog up and running, my first thought was where to host it. I am very familiar with Wordpress, so of course that was my inclination. However, knowing that I’d want to work on it from my work machine from time to time, I knew that would be tricky (the school will not allow me access to the terminal…sigh). I was also hoping to do something free but totally customizable. Wordpress has a free option but the “totally customizable” part is definitely not free unless you have your own domain. I didn’t want to think about that.
I then remembered that GitHub had some kind of “free” hosting service. After a little bit of research, I realized the reason I hadn’t used it before is because it uses Jekyll, and I wasn’t familiar with that. After a little bit more research, I saw that Jekyll wasn’t all that different from other template languages (hello, Wordpress, you are one giant template) and decided to try it out.
What you’re looking at now is what I’ve come up with in a few short hours. I’m going to be tweaking it here and there, but I want something very simple, so it won’t be much more than this. I’m trying to keep this blogging thing as simple as possible, otherwise I won’t do it.
Next up: the library website