13 aug
Over the weekend, I took the SD card/flash drive with raspbian home to see if I could flash the card on my macbook. What I learned:
- Right off the bat, the macbook wouldn’t even recognize that there was an SD card in the machine. Couldn’t see it in the finder window and when I used
df -h
in the terminal, it didn’t show up. I thought maybe it was just my old macbook being old (even though it flashed an SD card in the past), but I tried Scott’s laptop and had the same problem. - I think I messed up the SD card pretty badly. After the macbook stuff, I popped it into my chromebook and ran
, where I learned I had 4 (!!) partitions on that thing, somehow. I watched some youtubes about how to deletes partitions and reformat SD cards, which I did. - At the end of reformatting, I forgot to remount the device to the computer, and now my chromebook is acting like it doesn’t exist.
- When I try to
it via terminal, it tells me I don’t have permissions. After googling, it looks like it’s a polkit error, which means my whole Sunday rabbit hole only led to the end of Friday’s rabbit hole. - I guess I need to figure out this polkit/authentication nonsense. heavy sigh
I’ve been working on this for the better part of today, and I’m still not sure what it’s all about. I have a few polkit(s) installed… I think?
- Looked under
for anything called polkit. Installedpolicykit-1-gnome
was already installed… I think? - looked at the policies themselves (I think??) under
- attempted to write a policy for etcher but kept running into permissions issues
- gonna have to remember how to do
read/write abilities… (so many things to remember/check on, it’s very exhausting) - doing a lot of reading about polkit/D-Bus/dameons/permissions/sudoers… but I’m trying to stick to the instructions in etcher’s issues because that’s really all I need to do!
- the most frustrating part is that I can see I already have an authentication agent going on start up (Applications > Settings > Settings Manager > Session and startup > Application autostart): PolicyKit Authentication Agent
- when you hover, it says
Command: /usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1
so… isn’t there already one running on the system? does this mean I just need to figure out how to add a policy/action for etcher to the manager???
- when you hover, it says
- finish changing permissions on /actions etcher policy
- write new policy file
- move etcher from
for easy execution
14 aug
Books & Bagels event today! It went so well!! Then we had a librarian meeting, so it’s 4pm now and I probably won’t get much done. I’m going to at least change the permissions on the actions folder.
OMG all I did was move etcher to /usr/bin and rename it etcher instead of etcher.AppImage, then removed the org.xfce.skexec.etcher.policy
file from the polkit-1/actions
directory and it FLASHED THE SD CARD. So excited right now, y’all.
15 aug
First thing this morning, I rolled out the TV and got the raspi hooked up to the screen so I could pop in the SD card and zip on along with this ssh/auto-upgrade stuff… but I got the same kernel panic error as I did last time!
I’m going to try reformatting and flashing an older kernel version. I’m pretty sure the version I have currently in production is 4.14.3- and this one is 4.14.50, so maybe that’s the problem. Or maybe I bricked the SD card with some nonsense I’ve been trying lately. Who’s to say? I do have the SD card Jonathan sent me, but I ‘d rather not accidentally brick his card, too, so I’ll keep on keeping on for now.
After some googling, it seems the kernel panic error unable to mount root fs on unknown block
might be due to the wrong type or amount of partitions on the SD card. To verify this theory, I popped the original SD card into the card reader, and lo and behold, there are three partitions on it. The latest flashed card has 4. I’m going to run the flash again or try reformatting and reflashing… we’ll see how it goes.
Another duh moment: I’m pretty sure I was using a busted image… heh. I had downloaded the latest raspbian stretch onto a usb stick. I then assumed I’d extracted it to the chromebook, but I see now that this probably did not happen. I wasn’t using the ol’ noggin’ very well, because the usb stick I had downloaded the zip file onto is only 4GB and the extracted image of raspbian is ~4GB all on its own. I just don’t think it’s possible that all 4GB made it onto the stick or the chromebook.
I re-downloaded the zip file to a larger USB stick, and I’m currently flashing the card. Instead of trying to unzip the image, I used the zip directly from etcher’s file-picker. I didn’t realize this was an option, but it indicated it would be flashing ~4GB of an image, which sounds right.
Before I could flash the card, I had to reformat the SD card… again. This time I used GParted (which I kept hearing about but didn’t want to install becuase I’m a stubborn idiot). It was way way easier using GParted than any of the CLI partition stuff I’ve been doing.
sudo gparted
launched the program. I picked out the device I needed to reformat, deleted all partitions except one, then reformatted it to FAT32. It wiped it all in one go, and I was ready to open etcher and move on. Let’s hope this round of flashing actually works.
It’s been a little over a week of trying to figure out this whole flashing an SD card situation. I knew it would take a while to figure out, but I did not expect it to take this long. I think etcher really helped, but I’d like to try again with the command line dd
version (now that I know I had the wrong image on my USB stick) once I’ve gotten this whole imaging thing down.
Onto ssh-ing!
brand new pi
It’s been about a year since I’ve set up a fresh install of raspbian, so I guess it’s time to go back and read notes/watch screencasts of what I did before.
Oh, man. I was such a sweet summer child in these videos. I thought I knew what I was in for, but I had no idea.
16 aug
After talking with Scott last night, I decided to do some reading/youtubing about SSH. He was confused about why IT would request the pis have ssh keys. I think they’re very concerned about security. My concern is whether I would be the one setting up/issuing keys or if IT wants to do the key stuff.
Instead of working on SSH, I think I’m going to change gears and work on setting up the image. I’ll change the username/password for security purposes, then work on installing docker and setting up auto-upgrades. I’ll need to push my docker image from yesterday up to docker hub so I’ll be able to pull it down on my the new image. Once all of that is working, I’ll hopefully be able to get an answer from IT about SSH.
I also need to work on creating an image from what’s installed on this new SD card. I know there are lots of tools out there for this kind of thing, I just need to find one that works on this chromebook.
setting up the new pi
Walked through setup screens:
- set up country, time zone, language
- changed password
- selected (temporary) wifi network
- checked for updates
- reboot
Installed vim (can’t live without it!)
Updated network settings
- see network section on repo for details
Installed Docker
curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh
docker --version
to double check it installed correctly -
docker ps
to verify user pi doesn’t have permissions -
sudo usermod -aG docker pi
to add pi as docker user - reboot for user permission change to take effect
Worked through 5 security tips (except ssh):
- added user
sudo adduser ivylib
- typed new password
- selected defaults for user info
sudo usermod -aG sudo ivylib
sudo adduser ivylib sudo
- change configuration: uncheck ‘autologin as ‘pi’
- reboot
- logged in as ivylib
- deleted user pi:
sudo userdel -r pi
- did docker permissions again:
sudo usermod -aG docker ivylib
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install fail2ban
(bans brute-force attempts) - open empty jail.local file:
sudo vim /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
- add following lines:
[ssh] enabled = true port = ssh filter = sshd logpath = /var/log/auth.log bantime = 900 banaction = iptables-allports findtime = 900 maxretry = 3
sudo service fail2ban restart
- install unattended-upgrades:
sudo apt-get install unattended-upgrades
- configure it:
sudo vim /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades
- uncomment the line in the section Unattended-Upgrade::Origins-Pattern {} that starts “origin=Debian”…
- under that add this line:
"origin=Raspberry Pi Foundation,codename=${distro_codename},label=Raspberry Pi Foundation";
- reboot
That’s everything from the 5 basic security tips for raspi article (except the ssh key stuff).
push docker image to hub
- created new repo on docker hub
- added my docker username to docker cloud in terminal and logged in
- built the image using the name of the repo
docker build -t carylwyatt/raspberrypi-people-counter .
- pushed to docker hub:
docker push carylwyatt/raspberrypi-people-counter
I’m really quite pleased this worked as well as it did. Next up: pulling the image down on my new SD card, building, running, testing. Then making a new image!!
17 aug
running docker image on new SD card
Started off the morning by pulling down the docker image from docker hub
docker pull carylwyatt/raspberrypi-people-counter
docker run -it --cap-add=ALL --privileged -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules carylwyatt/raspberrypi-people-counter
- SADNESS OF SADNESSES: same stupid modprobe error I’ve gotten before
- went back and looked through notes to find how I fixed this (8 august)
- tried
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
but got the same error as I did that day: unable to locate package for this kernel
- my only other idea is to enable i2c and serial port in raspi config
- THAT DID IT. Add to list of things to setup on the image.
- AND it’s posting to the google spreadsheet, so win-win-win
Decided to add the --name
flag so I don’t have to look up the container ID every single time
docker run -it --cap-add=ALL --privileged -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules --name counter carylwyatt/raspberrypi-people-counter
docker exec -it counter /bin/bash
Issues with the image/container/app:
- board closes after initial run command, need to use exec to get it started up again
- time is oddly 4 hours ahead??
Fixed the timezone issue with this:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
- selected 12 (US)
- selected 5 (Eastern)
- tada!
It’s 2pm, and I’m very tempted to call it a week. I could work on:
- weird board closing before calibration problem
- creating an image based on the current “new” SD card
- libinsight API
- updating gate-counter app to get rid of url of request/data sent message in console
… but will I do any of those?
creating disk image
Did all the googling. It seems the easiest way to create a custom disk image of raspbian is to use raspberry pi’s pi gen tool. That’s what I’ll do, I guess. (all next steps completed on chromebook’s xfce/ubuntu xenial)
- the usual
sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
- installed dependencies listed in README:
apt-get install quilt parted realpath qemu-user-static debootstrap zerofree pxz zip dosfstools bsdtar libcap2-bin grep rsync xz-utils file git
- most of these were already installed
After reading through the README, I’m not sure I have the chops to pull this off. I think I need to write a config file? But I don’t really understand how the things I want installed on the image will end up on the image… so I googled “create disk image from SD card” and learned I can use dd
to make a disk image from my current SD card build, which totally makes sense now that I’m thinking about it.
Followed the instructions on beebom to clone the sd card and save the image on a usb stick:
cd /media/removable/LAWIVYLIB
sudo dd if=/dev/sdc of=raspbian_backup.img
- used
sudo fdisk -l
to find which/dev/
directory was the SD card, this time it happens to be sdc