15 apr
I’m hoping to wrap up accessibility audits and reports in the next few days so I can get back to testing. I’d also like to be finished with cypress testing of that app this week so I can get into integration/unit tests and actual changes. At some point this week, I also need to read up on DSpace and see what that’s all about. How much of that will I actually accomplish? Only time will tell.
19 apr
It’s Friday. I survived the a11y audits! Just sent out all the reports yesterday, and there are only a very few lingering issues that I need some guidance on. Woo!
After chatting with Jennifer earlier this week, I need to add brushing up on PHP to my long list of things to focus on. She informed me all our apps/API are in a version of PHP that is on its way out. Since becoming a front-end dev, I haven’t kept up with PHP (which was my first real language). I also sort of forgot that it has versions that because it runs on the server/apache, it legit won’t run after it’s deprecated.
Moved on to DSpace stuff. Watched some intro videos, joined the google group, bebopped through our server. I can see how this is complex, but it doesn’t seem that tricky. Compiling the build every time you make a change is going to suck, but that’s part of it, I suppose. Once Jennifer hooks me up with the dev server, I’ll start poking around for real.