30 sep
First day back in the office. Missing my baby!
catching up
There were some inbox/todo items that I couldn’t really work on from home, so that’s what I’m focusing on today.
I put in a ticket with ACS to update my ILLiad client since that happened while I was out.
I also followed up on my ticket to OIT about accessing the ILLiad server from home, and they don’t seem to want to help me with that. I asked OCLC if there was anything else I could do, and they suggested asking my home ISP to set me a static IP, which doesn’t seem likely to happen. So. I guess I just won’t work on ILLiad from home?
1 oct
I spent most of today getting my office computer squared with all my projects from my laptop. Git can be so tricky sometimes!
I also worked on figuring out the intranet forms but had to resort to the history/server oracle, Jennifer, in order to finally get the answer I needed. Drupal– or at least Drupal 6– is really dumb!
2 oct
Name of the game today was intranet forms. I think I figured out where I went wrong with trying to get these to work in wordpress.
As it turns out, putting PHP inside HTML in the WP page editor doesn’t work out so well. I should’ve thought it through… PHP needs to be served, and the WP editor is obviously not an apache server. Duh. Because I’m so out of practice with checking the console when something goes wrong (PHP doesn’t usually throw errors in the browser console), I never even opened the inspector. Had I done that earlier, I would’ve seen that WP was treating my opening PHP tag as an opening comment tag… which is why any time a closing angle bracket showed up in my code, the rest of the code was spit out like HTML.
Getting back into the swing of things here has been fun, though! Chatted with Sara about some Springshare stuff today. Hopefully I can implement some of things she’s hoping to see as we transition into a new website. I also chatted with Jacob from IR, who I’d never really talked to before except via email.
Back to WP tomorrow!