20 feb
First week at my new gig! There’s a lot to learn, but I’m pretty excited!
I wanted to make sure to track my learning journey, as I’ve done before. It looks like I’ll be spending a lot of time getting up to speed on Angular 1.x, Wordpress, Apache, and some other things. I spent a good chunk of time today setting up my new mac, and that was very exciting since I’ve never had one for work before. Eee! I’m keeping vim for now, and hopefully I’ll be a vim ninja by the end of the month. Anyway, here are the links for things I’ve been reading/watching so far:
- course codeschool flatlanders slides
- treehouse angular 1.x course
- angular docs
- stack overflow: thinking in angularJS for jquery folks
- treehouse mongoDB course
21 feb
Today’s list of learning:
- required UA compliance training
- videos from angularJS external resources list
- workflow videos (vim, nerdtree, ctrpl, snippets, specatcle)
- treehouse mean stack (angular 1.x) course
22 feb
Must remember today to install updates on my machine. Didn’t realize this was running high sierra when mojave is out!
Back to work on learning MEAN stack. I need to brush up on express and routing; it’s been a while since I’ve worked with those.